The Town of Adams, Massachusetts epitomizes what many business owners and entrepreneurs are looking for in today’s economic environment: Adams is an attractive place to live while growing a business. Adams is a classic, post-industrial New England town poised for an upswing into the creative, technological and light manufacturing economy. Adams has much to offer prospective businesses.
Our commercial, industrial and residential real estate prices are highly competitive and offer exceptional values when compared with surrounding communities.
Berkshire County is world known for its cultural institutions. This heritage has attracted creative thinkers and doers both in the arts and business worlds. In fact, the intersection of these two prospective points of view has given rise to some of the area’s most successful ventures. Berkshire County is also home to Williams College, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Berkshire Community College and Bard College at Simon’s Rock, not to mention other educational institutions within easy drive, such as UMass Amherst and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Adams is the third largest community in the Berkshires and is currently gaining momentum in the creative, tourism and high-tech economy.
Elected officials and the professional staff at Town Hall are dedicated to a unified and successful economic development strategy. The town has embarked on a number of important development projects that will have a direct impact on the economic stability and viability of the community. In addition, the town is committed to earning an identity and reputation as a business-friendly community. Click here for a list of contacts at Adams Town Hall. Competitive tax rates and incentive programs are available.
Adams is located on Massachusetts Route 8, a major north/south road connecting to regional road network. The town is served by natural gas, electric and high-speed internet providers. The Adams Water District provides city water and sewer service to the business district of the town and many of the residential neighborhoods.
Adams and neighboring communities have an available workforce with diverse skills. In addition local and regional schools offer impressive educational resources devoted to workforce development. Many resumes and job postings from Adams and the surrounding towns are available at Berkshire Jobs.
As the rest of this site testifies, Adams offers a great place to live and raise a family for workers and business owners alike.
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