Starting in Pittsfield, and passing through Lanesborough and Cheshire and ending in Adams, the Ashuwilliticook Rail Trail runs along the picturesque Hoosac River Valley for more than 14 miles. The trail is paved and gentle. More info here.
Walking • Running • Biking •X-C Skiing
Greylock Glen is a 1,063 acre parcel directly below the summit of Mount Greylock. Greylock Glen’s trail network includes multi-use trails designed to accommodate a wide variety of users with different skills and interests. Greylock Glen also serves as a gateway to the Mt. Greylock State Reservation trail system.
A few Glen trails are detailed below.
A favorite hike to the summit of Mount Greylock, the Cheshire Harbor Trail is the gentlest path to the summit, although still fairly strenuous. Round trip is about 6.6 miles and takes 4 to 5 hours.
Hiking • Biking • Skiing
Moderately steep and rocky in some places, good way to get to the summit of Mt. Greylock. About 6 miles round trip.
Hiking Only
A gentle, 1.7 mile graveled path around the central wetlands of Greylock Glen. Great trail for an easy stroll and X-C skiing. (Please note that some sections of the trail may be temporarily closed due to construction of the Greylock Glen Outdoor Center.)
Multi-use • Accessible
Constructed in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corp, the Thunderbolt is a Class A backcountry ski trail from the summit of Mount Greylock to Greylock Glen. Back in the day, this challenging trail hosted international downhill races. The official record of 2′ 8.6″ set by Norwegian Olympian, Per Klippgen in 1948, still stands.
The trail fell into disuse after rope tows and ski lifts became common. However, a group of intrepid volunteers called the Thunderbolt Ski Runners have restored and maintain the trail. It is now a favorite with backcountry skiers and boarders.
Skiing Only
There are multiple snowmobile trails on Mount Greylock and elsewhere in Adams. For more information please visit these sites:
Adams Sno-Drifters
Snowmobile Assoc. of Massachusetts
Mass. Dept. of Conservation & Recreation
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